Sunday, May 19, 2013

Know Your HIDDEN Enemy

A cunning enemy

Candida albicans. There are the diploid fungus that grows both as yeast and filamentous cells and a causal agent of opportunistic infections in humans. Most of the time it exists as oval, single yeast cells, which reproduce by budding.

Most yeasts do not produce mycelia (a mass of branching, threadlike hyphal filaments), but Candida has a trick up its sleeve. 

Normal room temperatures favour the yeast form of the organism, but under physiological conditions (body temperature, pH, and the presence of serum) it may develop into a hyphal form.

C. albicans lives in 80% of the human population without causing harmful effects, although overgrowth of the fungus results in candidiasis (candidosis). 
To infect host tissue, the usual unicellular yeast-like form of C. albicans reacts to environmental cues (very low good bacterial flora, for example) and switches into an invasive, multicellular filamentous form.

Tough defenses

The Candida's cell wall is what makes it a tough enemy to beat. β-glucan forms a fibrous network visible by scanning electron microscopy of the inner surface of walls and forms amorphous components (without any clear shape, form or structure) as well. Chitin is essential for insolubility of the wall, and the mannoproteins are highly glycosylated polypeptides, often 50 to 95% carbohydrate. They add to the cell wall integrity and non-permeability. 

Fungal adhesion to the mucus membranes in our body is a prerequisite for colonization, and infections are characterized by the invasion of surrounding epithelial cells. Although candida infections are usually seen in immunocompromised patients, recent studies have shown that even individuals with functioning immune systems can have their chronic health problems traced back to these opportunistic organisms. 
There is a need for everyone to be made aware of this hidden enemy that could just be the grass root level cause of the many modern health problems we have today.





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